I have been a fan of the Resident Evil series ever since the mansion outside of Raccoon City. Fighting crazed dogs, lickers, zombies and Wesker on a original Playstation being scared every time I heard a creak. Now granted, the games are nearly nowhere as terrifying as they started out being, and they have even gotten away from the traditional Zombie aspect, but the games have proven to entertain me. I played Resident Evil 4 at least 5 times and we beat RE5 close to 10 times. Great games.
It has been about 3 years since RE5 and now, there are rumors that there will be a announcement today about Resident Evil 6. There is a big Viral marketing campaign going on right now that keeps pointing to a website called No Hope Left http://www.nohopeleft.com/ that shows pictures of desolate destroyed areas with kind of a inverted Biohazard emblem spray painted on walls next to the words "No Hope Left". The date on all these pictures state 1/19/12. Lets hope there is a awesome announcement today! I am ready to get back to not being able to play video games in the dark!
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