Now, this list isn't every concert all time, just mine. But, in all fairness, I have been to a lot of live shows. I love going to live shows and I miss the days of the super festivals like X-Fest where there would be tons of bands over 3 days. Now I have to settle for individual shows. Here are my top 10
#10 - Korn 1996? 1st Avenue Minneapolis MN - This was when Korn was first coming out onto the music scene. I was still in High School and it was a loud rockin concert. It made become the fan of Korn that I am today.
#9 - Ozzfest 1997 - It was supposed to be held at the Apple River Amphitheater in Somerset Wisconsin, but Marilyn Manson was creating a stir and it was moved to the Metrodome in Minneapolis instead. We got there early (as did the other 30,000 people), and we were waiting outside patiently to get in. A voice kept coming over the speakers telling us "Welcome to Ozzfest, the doors will be opening shortly". After about 3 hours of waiting and listening to this announcement every 15 minutes, the crowd was getting agitated. When that voice came on again, I snapped. I took the bottle of water I had in my hand and I threw it as hard as I could.
It flew like it was moving in slow motion. It just spiraled through the air for what seemed like forever until it reached its target. The giant MN Twins sign above one of the gates. It hit with a loud thud and the crowd went silent. Then, as if someone flipped a switch on, the crowd exploded. There was bottles getting thrown everywhere, people screaming, bibles on fire (from the people protesting Marilyn Manson), a saw a wheelchair get body surfed across the crowd, and then the guy looking for his chair, it was chaos. I always thought I would start a riot someday, I just never thought I would accomplish it before I graduated High School!
The concert was alright! Sabbath ruled!
#8 - Rob Zombie - Mankato MN - 2004? - This was just one of those concerts where everything seemed to go crazy, we drank a ton of beer, girls were walking in vomit, it was a weird venue, we stole a giant road cone, we wandered Mankato looking for Erbert's and Gerbert's for a couple hours even though it was a block from where we started. I always love the chance of Seeing Zombie live.
#7 - A Perfect Circle - Pantages Theatre Minneapolis - APC is one of my favorite bands. I am a huge fan of Tool, so anything Maynard does is pretty awesome. When we went to this show, not only did they search you, but they confiscated everything they deemed dangerous to the theatre. They took my lighter, whatever. I had more in the truck. We went in, awesome place to see a show, APC rocked and we had a sweet time. When we were leaving, there was a woman in the exit with a big bucket. She was giving everyone that left their lighters back. Right as I got to her, she got swamped, frustrated, yelled at people and threw the bucket down on the ground and walked away. She threw the bucket right at my feet. Without missing a beat, I threw both my hands in the bucket, and like a giant scoop shovel, I jammed 2 ginormous handfuls of lighters, disposable cameras, knives, markers, and other stuff into my pockets. It was a good score!
#6 - KISS - This is in my top 10 because KISS was always one of those bands I wanted to see. I was always a huge fan of the music, and I really wanted to see them. Once there, I was not let down. Their stage presence is just as awesome as their music. If you get a chance to see them, check it out.
#5 - Cypress Hill & The Offspring - This was right when Cypress Hill released Skull And Bones. It was their Rap/Rock album. Both the bands played on stage together quite a bit during the show and they worked perfectly together. I am a big fan of both the n=bands so to see them together on the stage at the same time was pretty sweet.
#4 - Adema @ The Ascot Room @ The Quest in Downtown Minneapolis. This was a loud rockin intimate show. There was only about 200 hundred people at the show and for the most of it, I was 2 feet away from the band. If my top 3 weren't so awesome, this would for sure be higher on the list.
#3 - Tool - 1st Round of The Lateralus Tour - Excel Energy Center St Paul Minnesota - Lateralus was a awesome CD, Tool is one of the greatest bands ever, there was acrobats, crazy videos, and the energy of a sold out show. I have never missed Tool in Minnesota, and all of their shows are incredible, but this one blew them all out of the water.
#2 - Rage Against The Machine - Minneapolis MN Target Center during the RNC (Republican National Convention). Here is the equation, The Republican National Convention + 1000's of protesters + A loud politically charged rock band + 100's of cops in Full Riot Gear surrounding the Target Center + the anticipation of things getting crazy = a super charged show that blows every other concert out of the water. Rage is one of my favorite bands, and to see them during such a crazy time was intense. Seeing all the cops everywhere was insane. I have never seen rage play a more intense show!
#1 - Neil Diamond - Xcel Energy Center - St Paul MN. I know all my top concerts have been pretty heavy, and I know Neil doesn't fit that motif, but I love the guy. I screamed like a 14 year old girl for his 13 minute version of Sweet Caroline! I have tickets to see him in July and I can't wait. I wish I would of went to both his shows last time he was here!